Monday, September 19, 2011

Arranging Your Room

During high school I really thought I wanted to be an Architect so I took Drafting I and II.  I LOVED THE CLASSES!  They really played a huge role in who I am today.  Wow, it made a huge difference when I made it to college and started taking Interior Design classes.  I was way ahead of the curve.

I ran out of sewing projects around the house, so I am moving on to rearranging bedrooms at the new house.  When the movers came they just dropped everything and left.  Well, we put the furniture where we THOUGHT we wanted it, but after living with it for a while I decided it needed some tweaking.  Since I am 33 weeks pregnant now, I SHOULDN'T be moving furniture around.  So I took out my tape measure, laid it along the walls - got my room dimensions- wrote that down immediately, I do have pregnancy and mommy brain right now.  Then, I measured all the pieces of furniture that needed to stay in the room.  You just need the length and width of everything.

Here is your supply list:
Tape measure
pen and paper
Graph paper (exactness is a must)

Decide what your scale is going to be: 1 box = 5" for example (you want your graph paper to be completely full with your room so you can get a better feel)  The smaller the room the less amount of inches per box the larger the room the more inches per box.

Here are two different rooms that I have laid out.  Make a file folder and label according to the room you are working on.  This way you don't have to do this step again. 
Remember to add in the way the door swings, in or out.  Plus, behind the door label where it leads so you don't accidentally put a piece of furniture in front of a doorway or window.  Also, you always want to make sure that you leave about 3 feet of walk space between everything.  We have air vents in the ceiling, but if yours are in the floor label that in your drawing.

VERY IMPORTANT:  Next you are going to draw out your furniture.  YOU MUST MAKE THE SCALE THE SAME: if 1 box=5 inches on the drawing then 1 box=5 inches for the furniture.

I have each piece of furniture labeled as to WHAT it is and then it also has the dimensions on it too.  Cut them down to size like I have.  Now you are ready to start playing in the room.

Remember, if you have a box open that might only be a couple of inches so don't overcrowd.  The nice thing about your little paper pieces you can move and look and move and look till your heart is content.  You really want to do this before you hang anything on the walls!

Hope this helps!

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