Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Has Sprung

And as the owl on Bambi says "Twitterpated" fits Spring perfectly.  Our little girl loves the movie Bambi, and while she was watching it the other day I heard fits of laughter.  "What is she doing?" I wonder as I peek around the corner.  The owl is saying twitterpated and she thinks it is soooo funny!

Well the birds have been twitterpated on our front porch!  I try and keep a fun wreath on the door and I chose an "Arkansas fluff wreath".  I have never seen a town so in love with a decoration, but I have been sucked in too  :-)  The fluff is FUN!   My very close friend came over and starts laughing because I have tediously placed a little nest in my wreath, she thought.  I had no idea what she was talking about so I looked.... Priceless.  Nature is trying to move into the house too!  Along with us, the two dogs and the cat.

How perfect though, everyday, our whole family checks the progress of the nest.  Here is the progression thus far.

I guess the birds knew that hot pink was a HOT color for the spring too!

We have five eggs!  The day we were going to move the whole wreath was the day we discovered the eggs!  So I guess it has to stay a bit longer!

Our view every morning we check the progress!

Here's hoping you find a little spring fun the next couple of days!

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